New R12 – Wilderness coat of arms now available!
Christmas events: The christmas theme month starts, and a variety of Christmas events and special offer will gradually meet you!
- Puzzle Challenge
- Glistening Christmas Tree
- Christmas Build-a-House
- Yummy Gingerbread
- Minig Loot: Added Sky Coat of Arms Scrolls for exchange, and increased the rewards of Artisan Materials.
- Underworld Gate: Increased the rewards number of Artisan Materials.
- Ultimate Alliance Campaign Store: Added Atlantis Ascendant Scrolls for exchange; Increased rewards number of New World Ascendant Scrolls and Mediterranean Metal.
- Gold Event-Kingdom Raid Exchange Store: Increased the rewards number for the Sky Coat of Arms Scrolls, Wraith Coat of Arms Scrolls and Artisan Materials
- Adjusted the Equipment and Airship Parts rewards in the Shooting Gallery (players who haven’t completed their current Shooting Gallery game before the update will have their game reset).
Bug Fixes
- Fixed the problem that the map near the Inn in the city displayed abnormally.
- Fixed the display issue of “Alchemist’s Lab” castle Skin.
- Fixed the issue where the score display of the winner of the Darklands was inaccurate in some cases.